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International Business Tour 2024

International Business Tour 2024

The International Business Tour (IBT) is a yearly business trip to a foreign destination. The goal of the IBT is to give econometrics students of Tilburg University the opportunity to explore the (corporate) culture abroad. During previous editions of the IBT cities like Cape Town, New York, Reykjavik, Tokyo, Moscow, Hong Kong, and Seoul were visited. This year we go to Bangkok.
Next year's destination will be decided by the International Business Tour committee!

The International Business Tour committee is responsible for finding an interesting city to visit, followed by the whole organization of the trip. This includes arranging transportation, setting up the local program, finding cool places to visit and contacting (local) companies that are interesting for the participants to visit during the trip.

The IBT committee starts in October.


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Committee members

Koen van Dijk

Mart van Vliet

Joep Adriaanse

Pierre Verhulst

Guus Van der Velden

Selina Bötzel

Siebe Verbeek