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Lustrum IX

On March 15, 2024, it is the 45th birthday of Asset | Econometrics! Every 5 years we celebrate our birthday during our lustrum. In order to celebrate this 9th lustrum, we organize a full week of activities for all of our members. This week is organized by the lustrum committee. At the start of this Lustrum week, the Almanac will be presented as well. 

The lustrum week will be from March 4 till March 9. We start this week with a reception and end the week with a Lustrum Gala! All in between is a secret for now...
The lustrum logo is already revealed! But do you want to find out about the theme and the activities? Join our Announcement Party on November 30! Together with Asset | Accounting & Finance and Asset | Economics, we will have a party and separately announce our Lustrum Themes!
You can register here!

Do you want to stay updated about the Lustrum week? Follow us on Instagram @astrics9lustrum or check our website. The day after the announcement you will be able to find the program of the week and buy tickets for the activities.

If you have any questions, you can reach out on Instagram, email (, or reach out to one of the committee members.


Lustrum Trip

02 until 07 May 2024