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IBT Inhouseday at Allianz

Join us at Allianz Inhouseday!

Join us at the Allianz Inhouseday! On this day we will visit the office of the main partner of the International Business Tour 2024. 

During this day you will learn more about the company and what problems they solve every day. The program consists of a presentation, a case study, a tour through the office, and ends with a lunch provided by Allianz.

All participants of the IBT 2024 are obliged to join this inhouseday.

Also, non-participants of the IBT 2024 are welcome to join. Please note that the Inhouseday ends at 13.00 hours, and the IBT 2024 participants will have a separate program from then on.

All 3+ econometrics students who are interested can register!

Registration deadline: September 9