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Master Experience Day

On April 10 the Master Experience Days will be organised. At this event, it is possible to orientate about the different Masters given at Tilburg University. First, the Academic Director of the specific Master will explain what the Master consists of, how this can be applied in careers, and what courses are recommended. After the break, a graduate of the Master will explain how he experienced the Master and how the theory is used in his career. 

There are three different sessions to choose from:
8.45 - 10.30 hours: Business Analytics and Operations Research
10.45 - 12.30 hours: Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
12.45 - 14.30 hours: Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science
14.45 - 15.45 hours: Research Master

It is also possible to get free lunch in between the EME and QFAS sessions. To get this you must register before Tuesday, April 9, 14.00 hours.