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EOR Insights

Dive into the world of EOR research!

On Thursday November 23 from 17:00 to 19:00, ‘EOR Insights’ will take place for the first time ever. This small event will help you get insights in different research areas within Econometrics and Operations Research. Three professors/PhD students will be present to talk about their careers as a researcher of the EOR department and discuss interesting findings of their research. The possibility to become a PhD student will also be discussed. The speakers are:

  1. Prof. dr. Arthur van Soest (Econometrics)

  2. Prof. dr. Bas Werker (Finance)

  3. Lennart Sinjorgo (Operations Research)

After the presentations, a small drink will be organized for you to talk to the speakers and ask additional questions. 

Join us if you are interested, and who knows maybe you are a future PhD candidate/researcher.